Thank you for your interest in writing for Cousins Magazine.
Cousins Magazine seeks original creative work (articles, poems, photos, short stories) by Black people across the diaspora. We are interested in work that impresses upon just how versatile and innovative Black people are. Your unfiltered voice deserves to be heard, your photos need to help tell the story.
Submission Guidelines
Submission is free.
We accept submissions on a rolling basis.
Submissions are open to the entire globe.
You may submit a pitch (please detail this on the cover page).
Currently submissions are only accepted in either AAVE or American English.
Submissions are accepted for persons under 18 years of age. As a parent or guardian please understand that this is a magazine for adults and there may be tasteful content in reference to sex and sexual health that you may not want your underage child to engage in.
You may not submit work that you do not own and pass it off as your own.
You may only submit your original work.
You MAY submit work on behalf of someone who is differently abled (credit must go to the writer/photographer).
Submissions are accepted for the next months publication (the next issue AFTER you have received a favorable decision).
Some works submitted may be better suited for a future publication so we may ask to use your work at a later time.
Please use the SUBMIT button at the end of this page to submit works. Any works submitted via email will not be replied to and will be discarded.
Manuscript/Photo Guidelines
Please use 12pt font, single spaced, a serif font (Century, Georgia, Times New Roman, etc).
Please include a cover page with your name and the method in which you would like to be contacted.
On the cover page please detail the work that is being submitted as well as if the work has been published elsewhere.
Please make sure to include your name in the header of each page.
Please convert your .doc(x), word, rtf, png, jpeg, and/or word to PDF. This insures that no mistakes are made and all formatting stays the same during upload.
**examples in screenshots below**
Double Dippin'
Cousins Magazine accepts submissions for works that have been previously published. It is your responsibility to know if you are breaching any contract with other publications by publishing with Cousins Magazine.
All literary works (poetry & books) will be published online in Cousins Magazine and Cousins Lit.
All other works (photo, video, articles) will be published online in Cousins Magazine only.
All work is archvied on our website.
Due to the volume of submissions please allow up to three months for a decision. Contact us after three months with any questions you may have.
Rights / Ownership
All rights revert back to owner after publication.
**Example of Manuscript Guidelines**